Healing, by definition, is the idea of making healthy, whole and sound. Within these pages, you will find wellness programs, classes, workshops and musings that I hope will contribute to this aspect of your life – that is, a sense of wholeness, of feeling good and feeling connected.  

Whether it is through study or therapy session, in a group workshop or one-on-one, the unique integration of physical, holistic and energetic modalities creates an array of options to offer custom programs to meet your unique needs and support your individual journey.

Be open to each experience - see what resonates and how you feel. Be patient with the process and allow things to unfold – there’s no rush.  Be steady - carve out time in your schedule for regular self-care. Be in the experience.


wellness programs


sacred yoga

healing sessions

Experience deeper levels of healing with a personal and private therapeutic healing session. The perfect combination of restorative yoga, meditative visualizations and energy work – these 75 minute sessions will help stimulate your body’s natural healing response and inner radiance. Private or semi-private sessions.

reiki & intuitive

energy work therapy

Imagine feeling calm, relaxed, peaceful and balanced – then bringing this sense of well-being back into your world and being more productive, creative and effective. This therapy incorporates Reiki - an ancient and sacred healing art that enables a deeply meditative and healing experience for the body, mind and spirit. Facilitating movement of energy through the pathways of the body, we can support and accelerate the healing process by releasing energetic blocks and restoring balance, allowing for shifts in thought patterns and promoting deep emotional releases. Bring a sense of wholeness and renewed joy to your life. Private or semi-private sessions.



Lymphatic Drainage Massage with Aromatherapy

Restore and rejuvenate your vibrant self with an aromatic, therapeutic light massage with botanical essential oils to stimulate the lymphatic system. Our lymphatic systems are the key to overall health and wellness. Infused with the powerful healing properties of essential oils, lymphatic drainage massage assists with improving a multitude of conditions – improving circulation and clearing congestion from our systems, balancing hormones, easing PMS and menopause to alleviating fatigue, insomnia, muscle tension – the list goes on. A unique blend of oils are selected for your specific needs.  

Bring energy and vitality into your life. Choice from one of these programs or connect for a consultation.

  • Energy Revitalization (for stress and fatigue)

  • Menstrual Cycle & Hormone Balancing

  • Detox for Vitality (for cleansing and supporting the system)

  • Immune Boosting (for strengthening the immune system)


spring wellness program

Discover nutritious elixirs, healing aromatherapy potions, and mini meditation and yoga programs to incorporate into your way of being. Each monthly workshop will focus on a particular area of health & wellness and provide take-home tools to add to your holistic toolkit. 

  • Be greeted with a hand-crafted freshly made elixir and receive recipes

  • Learn the healing properties of specific essential oils and craft your own potion

  • Experience a yoga/meditation class with a complementary wellness focus 


The Anti-inflammatory Stress Reducer


Summer Cool & Flow


The Essence of Beauty

SW feminine.png

Sacred Rhythms of the Divine Feminine


True Radiance

Personal Mentorship & Healing - Book your consultation


reiki training

Level I, II and Reiki Master Training


As a form of alternative medicine originating in Japan, Reiki is a hands-on energy healing technique that encourages emotional, spiritual or physical healing. Learn about raising your vibration and understanding the energy within you, around you and the impact it has on your overall health and wellness. Learn how healing source energy is available to you at all times and tap into the universal life force energy as you learn how to facilitate healing within yourself and those in your life.

A beautiful practice available to everyone. Is it your time to tune in?


level one


  • With a focus on Self-healing, learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system

  • Understand the history of Reiki and how it’s changed over time

  • Tap into your intuition and learn energy awareness techniques

  • Perform Reiki sessions learning the basic protocols

  • Get familiar with the Chakra energy system

  • Guided in-person hands-on experience

level two


  • Learn the Reiki power symbols through lecture and hands-on experience

  • Understand the deeper levels of healing (mental, emotional and karmic)

  • Experience different methods of distance healing

  • Delve further into scanning the energy field

  • Get familiar with Chakra-balancing

  • Guided in-person hands-on experience


level three


  • For students who have mastered the discipline and are committed to supporting other teachers, passing on the lineage of Reiki to others and diving deeper into the practice.

  • Learn advanced symbols and techniques through lecture, exercises and hands-on experience

  • Receive all the tools and instruction necessary to teach and attune students

  • One-on-one training time


the art of chakra balancing


  • A hands-on experiential workshop exploring different energy healing techniques to balance your system and work through blockages.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the Chakra energy system

  • Tune into your natural healing abilities


crystal energy basics


  • A hands-on experiential workshop exploring the energy and power of crystals

  • Learn different techniques for working with crystals from body placement to crystal grids

  • Gain practical knowledge for incorporating crystals into your daily life

  • Learn the energy signatures of 8 must-have crystals