Connection of the Cosmos to the Fingers

This past month our practices have been deep into mantra and mudra - two highly effective ways to quickly shift your energy, interrupt the mental chatter and take you deeper into your meditative practices.

Did you know that each of your fingers is connected to a planet? This energy map of consciousness notion is a part of the Kundalini Yoga practice and shows how we can learn about ourselves and tap into powerful energies by looking at our hands and using mudra in our meditation and mindfulness practices. If the idea of that intrigues you, keep reading. @Serpetine yoga created this simple guide that gives a basic understanding of the connection of the cosmos to the finger.

Fingers and the Planets

The intrinsic link between the cosmos and human experience is one that cannot be overlooked. When you start your spiritual journey, learning of the ties that these two elements have will help you better understand yourself. Believe it or not, each of your fingers has a direct link to the planets and the universe. When you start to understand each of these, you will find that it’s easy to gain meaning from them. Here’s a quick rundown of what each finger means and how it connects to one of the planets.

How Your Fingers are Connected to the Planets

The thumb connects to Mars

First of all, let’s start with the thumb. This particular finger is one of the most powerful. It has strong ties to a person’s will power, determination, and how self-reliant they are. It is strong and, in many ways, it can take control of many of the hand’s chores. For that reason, it relates directly to Mars — the lone planet.

The index finger connects to Jupiter

Ruled by the planet Jupiter, the index finger is linked with a thirst for knowledge. In some ways, it is the teacher and the leader of the mind. Just as you use this finger to point out directions, you will find that the finger leads you along new pathways and guides you.

The index finger plays an important role in a person’s life. The stronger that this finger is, the more likely a person is to wish to learn more. Those who have long index fingers are inclined toward leadership and will allow those around them to become their followers.

The middle finger connects to Saturn

Think of the middle finger as a wise old man. Just as Saturn is strong and stable, this finger is the one that holds everything together. It conveys a message of intelligence, power, and strength. All of the above means that the finger is the one that is the most reliable and on which experts place great significance in palmistry.

The ring finger connects to the Sun

As we already know, the Sun takes a ruling position in our galaxy. It is the very thing that allows life to happen and, without it, we would certainly be lost. In the same way, the ring finger is the bringer of new life and love. It signifies passion, romance, and charm.

The little finger connects to Mercury

The smallest finger on the hand is the one that many may overlook. However, doing so would be a grave mistake. Connecting to the planet Mercury, the little finger is linked to communication, business, and a person’s ability to work well with others around them.

While there are no hard and fast rules, understanding how fingers connect with the planets is an excellent starting point to understanding the powerful subtle influence of mudra with meditation on our energy, thoughts and life’s flow.

I invite you to join the Calm & Conscious Living community for soul centred living, soft nudges to encourage rest and just simply being present.

Michelle Atzenwiler