How to Meditate ... Finding Space

How to meditate....  that's a big question. With countless techniques used to meditate and find a deeper conscious connection... empty the mind, mind the monkeys, focus on the light, find your breath, watch the clouds... it's not really a one size fits all answer.

In this next series, we'll explore some simple, yet foundational elements to consider when learning to meditate or wishing to go deeper in your practice.

Finding space. Literally. Set yourself up for success. It's often said that when you're really in your meditative state, the external world should not cause any distraction. True. But if you're just starting out, why not give yourself a little leeway here and find a quiet space free of distractions to help you keep your focus. With busy households and numerous digital devices, this may be easier said than done. Try to organize a set time when the people around you know that this is your time and turn off your digital devices temporarily. You won't be gone too long.

Check your schedule. If meditation isn’t a regular habit like brushing your teeth or having your morning coffee, you’ll need to schedule it into your day. However you decide to venture into this, really make the effort to commit to that time. Whether it's 3 minutes a day, 20 minutes a week, on your own or in a class, carve out space in your own schedule for this to happen. Is it a priority? Only you can decide that. But I'll offer this, your commitment here has the potential to enhance your life in the long-term.  

With your place and time figured out, you can turn your attention to creating space in you, yes you. Create the space in your mind to welcome a new experience. Create the space in your heart to go easy with the process, and create the space in your being to surrender - to let go and let in. Every time you sit to practice, keep those three things in mind - new experience, go easy, surrender. Enjoy the journey.

Next week in the How to Meditate series - Finding Comfort